Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Golf Phenom Is a London Financial Analyst

The man, according to U.K. newspaper the Mail on Sunday is a London investment analyst named Rupesh Shingadia. His firm was identified elsewhere as Threadneedle Asset Management.

To recap: Shingadia was caught by photos at the Ryder Cup golf tournament in Wales, where the 30-year-old showed up with a Grucho-style mustache and cigar, and wearing an off-kilter reddish (maroon, really) wig. Shingadia's image zoomed around the Web in the background of an amazing photo of Tiger Woods whacking a golf ball directly at the camera lens.

There are thousands of Facebook fans for Cigar Guy. His image has been Photoshopped into dozens of iconic images from Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream Speech' to the opening montage of 'The Simpsons' television series. A blog even offered $1,000 to unmask the formerly anonymous 'Cigar Guy.'

Shingadia told the Mail on Sunday that he dressed up in a tribute Miguel Angel Jimenez, a bon-vivant Spanish golfer known for trotting on the greens puffing a stogie.

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